Saturday 15 February 2014

Our Roles


-to assign work to the group members including his/her self (splitting the jobs evenly so everyone has a fair share)
-help and contribute to the group and volunteer his/her ideas when the group is stuck and no one has an answer
-help with whatever problems faced to the best he/she can do
-make sure everyone in the group is doing his/her part in contributing
-try to encourage your group members to participate in group discussions if he/she is not speaking up
-lead the group and help make wise and right decisions in the appropriate situation

(Resource manager):
-collate all work done by members and organize the resources
-send resources/researches to blogger if to be posted; transfer neatly to paper(if necessary) and file into the main CID folder
-ensure that the researches that are supposed to be done by group members are completed by all datelines

-updating the blog
-ensuring that all informations on the blog are correct
-monitoring all comments
-posting whatever reflections/researches collated by resource managers on the blog

-write down any information
-provide information
-help others

Thursday 13 February 2014

Poverty in Singapore

Poverty in Singapore

We might not be able to witness poverty in Singapore. However, they do exist. Most of the people who live in poverty consist of mainly the elderly and foreign workers.

Elderly : Due to the fact that many children think of their parents as a burden, most of them are abandoned and have to depend on themselves to make a living and survive. However, not all of them are skilled enough to get a job in society. Thus, they become poor and hardly have enough money to get daily necessities due to the constant increase in prices.

Foreign workers : They come to Singapore  and work due to the poverty in their homeland. With the pay, they will be able to send money back home and support their family finances. However, their living conditions in Singapore remain poor. Their clothes are dirty and tattered, showing their poverty.

Our Holidays Reflections

Holiday reflections

Rachel Ho Jia Yi (6/2F) :

  Although over the December holidays I did not go overseas, I genuinely enjoyed my holiday by spending most of my time with my family members and also my CCA mates. I went to explore Singapore by venturing the unfamiliar and unending streets of orchard. Through the experience I got to familiarize myself with different things and also gain new knowledge from the different experiences. Obviously I was probably most happy about getting new clothes but I went to new places I have never gone before and I especially enjoyed the period of when the Christmas and new year decorations were put up as it looked so grand and majestic. Other then that, the most memorable part of my holiday was going to uss (universal studios Singapore) with my family. I have been there for 3 times in total including the time I went during the holidays but I never got to experience some of the rides and finally after this trip I have ridden all of them. The most thrilling ride was the mummy return, I had a great laugh after it, especially after seeing my face in the pictures. I was biting on my lips and I looked like I saw a ghost but I did enjoy myself though. Finally the highlight of going to uss was the snow that was incorporated for a few weeks just to get us in the spirit of Christmas. The snow was just foam but because I have never seen snow in my entire life (not even the man-made ones at snow city) I got pretty excited and was smiling for the entire experience. I think this December holiday was well spent and I look forward to the upcoming school holidays so that I can catch up with my family members and maybe even get to spend some 'alone time'.

Lee Sining (8/2F) :
  This December holiday, I went to two other countries, Taiwan and Malaysia. My family and I went to taiwan for around 7 days. We visited different places in taipei and Kaohsiung like the taipei zoo, tourists attractions, some museums and night markets. When we were at Kaohsiung, we were lucky to be able to see the large balloon parade at the dream mall. It was large balloons of cartoon characters like snoopy and mascots of certain company walking along the road in front of the dream mall. My days spent there were very enjoyable and satisfying. I had great fun in TAIWAN!! I also realized something during my vacation in taiwan. That is that their fork and spoon used for eating in food courts looks much cleaner than those used in food courts in Singapore. Also, serviettes or napkins are also provided together with the cutleries! It is really much cleaner and more hygienic than in Singapore! I also realized that the people who served us are very polite. Even aunties cleaning tables in the food court would ask kindly whether she could clear the table for us. I think Singapore can learn from taiwan services as when I was in Singapore, there was an auntie in the food court who seemed to work very unwillingly with an angry face, which made people not have the appetite to eat. I really think Singapore can work to a better service attitude.

Jazlyn Seng Jia Ying (7/2F) :
  This December holiday, I went to both Hong Kong and Taiwan. The trip to Taiwan was indeed an amazing one. Over there, I learnt about the many cultures and even went to places I have never been to before. Through the tour guide's thorough explanations, I understood the Taiwanese's way of living even more ! It was not only fun, but enriching as well. Of course, we visited their famous night markets and had a whale of a time playing at little arcade booths and finding good food to eat. The stuff there are really cheap as well and I literally went crazy while shopping. We also went to Taipei 101 to admire the 360' view of Taiwan. From there, we were able to spot the magnificent buildings and also ancient, old ones with historical background. Given a headphone each, we listened as we were introduced to the different places of Taiwan. Of course, we would never miss out releasing sky lanterns over there. One by one, we wrote our wishes and released the lanterns together. To me, that was the most memorable one. Seeing all the lanterns rise up to the sky gave me a warm, tingly sensation. To conclude my stay in Taiwan, I feel that the scenery there is extremely breathtaking. The weather was also really cold at that period of time. It was something that you can never experience in Singapore. Although the trip was tiring, I really and honestly enjoyed myself. If you have not been there before, do give it a go ! You will never regret it. Next in Hong Kong, we also went to many famous tourist attractions. One of them was '新光大道', where we were able to spot the handprints of many actors/actresses. As the weather was extremely chilly, we bought hot, piping cuttlefish and ended the night admiring the decorations and lightings. Other than that, we went to 'ocean park' as well where the younger ones had fun riding the trilling roller coasters and the elders enjoying the decorations and beautiful weather. The whole trip was a pleasant one and it was a time to spend quality time with my family. The last place we went to during the December holidays was USS. Although we have been there before, it was the first time they incorporated snow. We spent the whole day trying out roller coasters we have never ridden before and enjoyed the performances and decorations they put up at night. I was pretty disappointed that the 'snow' was actually just foam. However, it was still a good experience. :) Another thing during the December holiday was that I became a shopaholic. I frequently went to the city with my mum and we would spend most of our day hunting for cheap steals and nice cny clothing. 2013's December holiday was extremely fulfilling in my opinion. Instead of staying locked up at home, we went to experience new things and explored new places. I had spent quality time with friends and families which will help build a stronger bond amongst us. I look forward to the following school holidays and hope that they will be as fulfilling as 2013. (:

Yeo Zonghan (33/2F) :
  In November, I spent most of my time on the tan ka kee young inventors competition. Me and my partner had invented a shelf that could adjust the size of a compartment without having to remove the plank. In the end our invention wasn't really well done as when shifting the plank, we would have some difficulties doing it. In early December, I spent most of my time at home as that was the period when I was free. During that time I went to visit my grandmother'a home a few times. In late December, I spent almost every single morning going for my CCA. It was quite tiring but at least I had the rest of the day free. Overall, I feel that this holiday wasn't quite meaningful as I did not do much.

Chen Zuohui (22/2F) :
  My holiday was very fun as I spent time with my seniors almost everyday as we have to prepare for the competitions this year. I also spent time with my family during the weekends.